Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,369,928 Issue: 847 | 9th day of Storing, Y20
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New Series

Zur’s Zombie Roommate

Rain was pouring and wind was blowing. Cracks of thunder blasted across the house every other second. The Lost Desert had not seen this kind of storm, in a while.

by skittleskit09
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On Foot: A Guide to the Hiking Trails of Neopia

Neopia is a diverse world, with a range of different environments to explore and experience. In this article, I will reveal two of my favourite hikes in Neopia! These walks are perfect for those looking to experience some less busy trails, and showcase some of the best sights that this world has to offer. Safety tip: always pack a map, compass, food, and plenty of water when preparing for any hike! Neopia Central to Kiko Lake This beautiful 15 mile hike begins at the Neopian marketplace on the outskirts of Neopia Central. It is recommended to start this hike early, particularly if you are hiking in the summer –

Other Stories


The Heist
The two had lost track of time hours ago, but it must be nearing dawn by now — a dangerous time for thieves.

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl!!

by werelupecookies


Tsarki and the Art of Pest Management
Well-meaning evil is the worst kind.

Co-written by solsticesprite

by peirigill


The Best Neopian Annual Events!!
On Neopets there are a lot of events and opportunities that come around approximately once per year, and if you blink you might miss it.

by fat_hungry_chicken


Wonderful Winter Getaways
With the year slowly drawing to a close and the days getting colder and darker, you may be wanting to grab a sneaky holiday before the Day of Giving. Here are our top picks for winter destinations, sure to suit everyone, and a guide of the best bits that you shouldn’t miss seeing and doing in each location.

by smilingpony


A Tale of Tea: Part 1
It's just TEA

Also by grimlane

by dianalovee


The Name
This is totally how it happened.

by trishabeakens

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