Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,369,928 Issue: 847 | 9th day of Storing, Y20
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So that's why...

This is a collaboration between me and hannahcreep

by _9_volt_the_gamer_

Neopia at it's Best


by pumpkin_700
Came Thru Drippin'

Hey i know that one...

by carrbot
The Name

This is totally how it happened.

by trishabeakens

Don't question it just embrace it.

by _gizmo_stern_
Island Unpreparedness

Living in Terror Mountain your whole life makes you very unprepared during your occasional island visit to see family.

by bobtehcat1
Too many to count

I would rather not have known that, thanks

by annnoel
Aishas are too cute for their own good.

"I see what you're saying."

by mjtanner
One Neopian's Treasure... another Neopian's trash.

by felidaefaerie
Keep Trying

Not prepared...

Also by Table

by o_babypet4me_o

A Tale of Tea: Part 1

It's just TEA

Also by grimlane

by dianalovee

Just mutant things vol. 8

Who would have thought mutants have a hard time doing trick or treat?

by jacquelineramrez
Search the Neopian Times


"The Heist" by werelupecookies
"Mabel...” “What?!” Cain shushes her loudly. The two had lost track of time hours ago, but it must be nearing dawn by now — a dangerous time for thieves. A time when they should start heading back to the guild. A time when they should not be shouting... Not like that’s ever stopped the raging wildfire that is Mabel Ellis. The always-irritated yellow Aisha whips her head around to look Cain dead in the eyes, tossing her thick black hair over her shoulder with the motion, a snaggletoothed scowl glued tight to her tired face. She’s still got her left hand outstretched, her fingers now curled like claws, reaching desperately for a brilliant jade and gold amulet that’s set before her on a decorative dais, its every edge sparkling like haunted starlight through the darkness. With her other hand, she’s got a strong hold on one of the heavy curtains that half-block one of this room’s tall stained glass windows — the two’s only source of light in this moment — one foot precariously positioned on the edge of a bookshelf that is definitely not meant for climbing, and her other leg dangling midair as she tries her best to reach for the eye-catching piece of jewellery that sits temptingly proud on its pedestal.

Other Stories


The Heist
The two had lost track of time hours ago, but it must be nearing dawn by now — a dangerous time for thieves.

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl!!

by werelupecookies


Tsarki and the Art of Pest Management
Well-meaning evil is the worst kind.

Co-written by solsticesprite

by peirigill


The Best Neopian Annual Events!!
On Neopets there are a lot of events and opportunities that come around approximately once per year, and if you blink you might miss it.

by fat_hungry_chicken


On Foot: A Guide to the Hiking Trails of Neopia
Neopia is a diverse world, with a range of different environments to explore and experience. In this article, I will reveal two of my favourite hikes in Neopia!

by kingfisherblue33


Petpetpet Wars:Part Five
Blades of grass scratched across Finnegan's face as the Beekadoodle crashed to the ground. He was thrown clear of the saddle and impacted hard against a nearby rock.

by herdygerdy


The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Four
Be careful what you wish for.

by k3l26

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