The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,369,928 Issue: 847 | 9th day of Storing, Y20
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Short Stories

The Heist

The two had lost track of time hours ago, but it must be nearing dawn by now — a dangerous time for thieves.

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl!!

by werelupecookies

Tsarki and the Art of Pest Management

Well-meaning evil is the worst kind.

Co-written by solsticesprite

by peirigill

The most precious treasure

Once upon a time there was a town next to a mountain, a big mountain, which remained in an eternal winter. This town was known as "The Mountain of Terror" because of the great mountain that was very close.

by fy2027
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"Tsarki and the Art of Pest Management" by peirigill
Tsarki awakened with a jolt. Two enormous eyes and a giant, slobbering maw completely filled her field of vision. Giggling, she grabbed the monstrous form and lifted it into the shaft of morning light creeping through the thatched window. No longer an inch from her face, the “monster” appeared properly as a cute little Slorg. She bumped her dark snout affectionately against its mucousy forehead, then gently dropped it into a tray of wheatgrass on her nightstand. I was prepared for you, she thought with satisfaction. Slorgs were not uncommon here near the Berkshire Glen, on the outskirts of the Haunted Woods, where spooky trees gave way to shady meadows and spooky petpets of all sorts thrived. Tsarki knew she was in danger of becoming a “crazy Kadoatie lady” - or in her case, perhaps, a crazy Meowclops lady - but she just couldn’t help setting up feeders for the local critters. It made them so happy. Besides, it kept them out of the plants and mosses and mushrooms she used for potion-making, her literal cottage industry. Still, it was uncommon for a Slorg to get right in her face like that. Perhaps it was especially hungry, or just lost?

Other Stories


Collectors of Neopia: An Introduction
As the leaves on Neopia’s trees turn from green to those gorgeous autumnal oranges and reds we’ve come to know and love, it might be important to remember what the month is about.

also written by breakeven

by tsiegred


Gross Foods That Aren't as Gross as You Think
You know there are a lot of food items in Neopia - some great and some...well not so great. In fact, they have their own category called "gross foods", but looking through the list, are they really as gross as their name implies? In this list we wanted to focus on gross food items that we actually wouldn't mind trying out.

Also by venom_creep

by yzhen_121993


Petpetpet Wars:Part Five
Blades of grass scratched across Finnegan's face as the Beekadoodle crashed to the ground. He was thrown clear of the saddle and impacted hard against a nearby rock.

by herdygerdy


Zur’s Zombie Roommate
Rain was pouring and wind was blowing. Cracks of thunder blasted across the house every other second. The Lost Desert had not seen this kind of storm, in a while.

by skittleskit09


Keep Trying
Not prepared...

Also by Table

by o_babypet4me_o


Came Thru Drippin'
Hey i know that one...

by carrbot

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