Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,369,928 Issue: 847 | 9th day of Storing, Y20
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The Name

by trishabeakens

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Staying Ready For Emergencies
Emergencies can strike at any time and it is a good idea to be as prepared as possible. You always want to have a security stash deep in your security deposit box just in case the worst happens, like your pet losing all their HP in the battledome or a bad zap of the lab ray.

by parshew


Gross Foods That Aren't as Gross as You Think
You know there are a lot of food items in Neopia - some great and some...well not so great. In fact, they have their own category called "gross foods", but looking through the list, are they really as gross as their name implies? In this list we wanted to focus on gross food items that we actually wouldn't mind trying out.

Also by venom_creep

by yzhen_121993


Aishas are too cute for their own good.
"I see what you're saying."

by mjtanner


Which Avatar Are You? Updated Edition
So many wonderful new avatars have been released since then, so I think it’s time for a new quiz to celebrate all of our new avatar choices.

by painted_dreams87

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