Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,436,079 Issue: 852 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Covert - Archives

It began with a letter, crisp and regal, the envelope a milky white; I read the writing multiple times just to make sure it was not mistakenly delivered to me.

Co-written with not (bethany) for our guild Covert.

by rs_rbn

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"The Board Game Master:Part Four" by smoothie_king_xiii
Previously in The Board Game Master... Roobina battled her way to the top of the Armada preliminaries and qualified for finals, but experienced a bit more trouble in Geos. After losing in the final round she thought she would be out of the tournament but was able to qualify for finals through the wildcard spot for her great performance. A surprise to her though, her best friend Mazey also qualified for the Geos finals. The final tournaments are structured with 12 players battling bracket style. Six move on and six are eliminated from the tournament. The remaining six battle in twos, but the three eliminated in this round don't go home just yet. They each battle each other and whoever wins will re-enter the tournament as part of the final four. They continue elimination style until the last two face off.Kacheekers Final Roobina was still shaken up by the previous day's events, where Mazey came out of nowhere qualifying for the Geos final. She was trying to remain focused though, she could not have been happier to be a qualifying finalist in all three games, something that is almost unheard of for a first time competitor. She knew Kacheekers could be one of her easier days...

Other Stories


A Baker’s Dozen, A Musician’s Dream
A chill wind blew through the thicket of the Haunted Woods, causing Fablar, a Royalboy Cybunny, to shiver and clutch a small written note closer to his chest.

Also by breakeven and detection

by k3l26


Welcome to Marmalady
Over the road leading into the town was a sign bearing the legend: Welcome to Marmalady - Live Sensationally. The first time Mads saw that sign, he knew this was the town for him.

by racoon188


The Month Of Sleeping: Customization
It`s the first month of the year, The Month Of Sleeping. Time to clear your Neohome of holiday items, and perhaps go into hibernation? Whether you prefer to sleep in every morning, or take a nap in front of a roaring fire, there are different ways of customizing your pet in a theme of sleep and nighttime. Let`s take a look at a few different examples.

by aleu1986


The Puzzle Cube – a Guide to Solve the Unsolvable
28th of Hidding, Y17, a strange object popped up in Neopia. "Its for one of the greatest challenges!", they said. Well, I don’t know where it came from, but I guess it was made by a very malefic mind – maybe some mad scientist who had nothing better to do with his time.

by realidade


Fyora and Pea
This comic was made by Alex to teach and inspire her student artists.

by alexcunderwood


Ew, lime!
what did ya find?

by aquarelar

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