Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,436,079 Issue: 852 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Ew, lime!

by aquarelar

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Covert - Archives
It began with a letter, crisp and regal, the envelope a milky white; I read the writing multiple times just to make sure it was not mistakenly delivered to me.

Co-written with not (bethany) for our guild Covert.

by rs_rbn


Neopets; the financial education all kids need
In the year 2000, several students were piled into the school’s computer lab. I watched in amazement as my friends logged into their Neopets account, clicking furiously as the pages slowly loaded on the archaic dial-up internet connection. I was one of those students that merely watched as I did not know what Neopets was all about. I saw images of the most adorable looking pets, beautiful and mesmerizing items, whose purpose I could merely fathom (why is he giving a paint brush to the pet, can it paint?). My best friend explained as briefly as he could, his attention primed on the computer screen.

by intoxiqued


10 Things To Do: Get Through the Neopian Winter!
Winter can be a scary time in Neopia… blowing gales, icy streets – and worst of all, the Snowager is at large! Ahh! So, are you thinking of hiding out at Kiko Lake or Mystery Island through the winter? Maybe catch a cloud to Faerieland? These are the best ways to feel warm and free through the Neopian winter instead of shoveling snow to find the scratchcard kiosk!

by cordeliaviolet


Welcome to Marmalady
Over the road leading into the town was a sign bearing the legend: Welcome to Marmalady - Live Sensationally. The first time Mads saw that sign, he knew this was the town for him.

by racoon188

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