A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,436,079 Issue: 852 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Continued Series

The Board Game Master:Part Four

Previously in The Board Game Master...

Roobina battled her way to the top of the Armada preliminaries and qualified for finals, but experienced a bit more trouble in Geos.

by smoothie_king_xiii

A World Of Grandiose Creature:Part Two

As someone who has spent his life discovering and investigating the wild inhabitants of Neopia, I, Randall, have had to risk my life many times.

by luuuvmebabe
A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Three

How dare you do this!

by dudeiloled
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"The Board Game Master:Part Four" by smoothie_king_xiii
Previously in The Board Game Master... Roobina battled her way to the top of the Armada preliminaries and qualified for finals, but experienced a bit more trouble in Geos. After losing in the final round she thought she would be out of the tournament but was able to qualify for finals through the wildcard spot for her great performance. A surprise to her though, her best friend Mazey also qualified for the Geos finals. The final tournaments are structured with 12 players battling bracket style. Six move on and six are eliminated from the tournament. The remaining six battle in twos, but the three eliminated in this round don't go home just yet. They each battle each other and whoever wins will re-enter the tournament as part of the final four. They continue elimination style until the last two face off.Kacheekers Final Roobina was still shaken up by the previous day's events, where Mazey came out of nowhere qualifying for the Geos final. She was trying to remain focused though, she could not have been happier to be a qualifying finalist in all three games, something that is almost unheard of for a first time competitor. She knew Kacheekers could be one of her easier days...

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