For an easier life Circulation: 195,369,928 Issue: 847 | 9th day of Storing, Y20
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by _9_volt_the_gamer_

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Great stories!


The most precious treasure
Once upon a time there was a town next to a mountain, a big mountain, which remained in an eternal winter. This town was known as "The Mountain of Terror" because of the great mountain that was very close.

by fy2027


Aishas are too cute for their own good.
"I see what you're saying."

by mjtanner


Wonderful Winter Getaways
With the year slowly drawing to a close and the days getting colder and darker, you may be wanting to grab a sneaky holiday before the Day of Giving. Here are our top picks for winter destinations, sure to suit everyone, and a guide of the best bits that you shouldn’t miss seeing and doing in each location.

by smilingpony


A Tale of Tea: Part 1
It's just TEA

Also by grimlane

by dianalovee

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