Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,773,407 Issue: 863 | 19th day of Eating, Y21
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Short Stories

A Sister’s Feud

Long ago, before the world as we know it now, there lived two faerie sisters who were very close. Long ago, their parents were taken by Dr. Sloth to be kept as slaves and forced to work in his laboratory for all of eternity. All the sisters had in the world was each other and they bonded in their isolation. Their names were Jhudora and Illusen.

by katieneo_211
The First Light of Neopia - Part Two

Chapter Two - The Leader of the New World

Collaboration with wtmoof

by steve_km

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A Deep Dive Into Maraquan History

To many people, Maraqua is a mysterious land that exists deep under the sea, home to many aquatic neopets and a rich history. For a long time the existence of this place was highly debated, no one had ventured there before and none of its residents had ventured out. Nowadays, Maraqua is a major economic hub in Neopia, attracting visitors at all times of years. It has integrated completely with all the different Neopian lands and sends representatives to compete in the Altador Cup every year.

Other Stories


A Deep Dive Into Maraquan History
To many people, Maraqua is a mysterious land that exists deep under the sea, home to many aquatic neopets and a rich history.

by smoothie_king_xiii


A Guide to Destruct-O-Match III
I have been playing Destruct-O-Match for years, and it's one of my favourite games so I have compiled a few tips to getting the avatar/trophy you're going for.

by jotty346


Laurel the Grey Yurble woke up, dazed and confused, lying on the cold dirt ground in front of a farmhouse in Meridell, not knowing who she was, where she was, where she was from, or what had happened.

also by beckykbrooks

by applefaerie99


The Forgotten Years:Part Two
The queen of Altador began to tell one of the many stories about the now infamous Betrayer. This tale had begun right after Nera was scheduled to make her first speech as queen.

by trishabeakens


Strange Weather
how peculiar

Collaboration with _kougra_rules_

by coldecember


Ink: Inversion - Part 6
I've got to try again, until I make up for my mistakes.

by june_scarlet

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