Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,773,407 Issue: 863 | 19th day of Eating, Y21
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Strange Weather

by coldecember

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Great stories!


Laurel the Grey Yurble woke up, dazed and confused, lying on the cold dirt ground in front of a farmhouse in Meridell, not knowing who she was, where she was, where she was from, or what had happened.

also by beckykbrooks

by applefaerie99


Sometimes you just gotta throw a HISSI!

by pawsulurv


A Deep Dive Into Maraquan History
To many people, Maraqua is a mysterious land that exists deep under the sea, home to many aquatic neopets and a rich history.

by smoothie_king_xiii


Ink: Inversion - Part 6
I've got to try again, until I make up for my mistakes.

by june_scarlet

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