Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,313,618 Issue: 839 | 14th day of Gathering, Y20
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Short Stories

Reginald Acorn and The Mysterious Jewel Thief

The beginning of Reginal'd adventures as a detective!

by dtrg
Neia The White Knight

Some knew her as daring, some knew her as cunning, and some knew her as The White Knight. Alfineia the White Lupe, Neia as most knew her by, is a hero unlike any other.

by xatrocious
New Chapters

This is an imagining of my recent return to Neopets :) I had first played sixteen years ago.

by marchabun
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How To Create a Pet Directory

Faerie, Xweetok, Mutant, Zafara, Mallow, Draik... the list of Neopet species and colors is astounding! One of the best features of the site is seeing the different styles and tastes users choose to express via their pets. Some Neopian’s theme their accounts color-wise, while others stay within a single species. Users that are UBER-proud of their pets may even decide to list them in a pet directory. Pet directories focus on a particular theme and list Neopets that showcase that category. However, there is so much more to running one! In this article you will learn the basics to opening your very own directory to display your favorite color, species, or pet-niche! Purpose The first thing you will want to consider is why you want to open your directory. Do you currently own a pet that fits the category? Have you always been obsessed with "gross" pets? Maybe a new color has been released and you would like to begin cataloguing from the very beginning! Having a purpose for creating your page with help fuel the many hours required for content creation.

Other Stories


Full Bellies and Wallets: Gilda's Budget Gourmet
Living large and living it up are...decidedly expensive goals, especially when you're one of four pets...

by parasitequeen


Pets Are Friends Not Food
While browsing through Neopian Fresh Foods one evening looking for something delicious and nutritious to feed your pets for dinner you come across an item called Draik Steak. The description beneath the item reads ‘A large lump of prime rib shaped to look like a Draiks head (not actually made from Draik)’. You chuckle to yourself as you place a few in your basket and think ‘I wonder why they bother to say it’s not actually made from Draik, why would anyone want to buy a REAL Draik Steak?’

by phoned


Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress
The faerie’s footsteps reverberated off the gleaming stone tile. The interior sprawled like a grand hall, neutral greys dominating the polished floors and high-vaulted ceiling. Specks of tinted rainbow light flashed through the stained-glass windows, the passing clouds that were close enough to touch caused the light to dance. As she floated, following behind the faerie’s footsteps, Jolla the Dimensional Peophin took in her new assignment. The sorceress thought to herself, “So this is the inside of the Dream Fortress…”

by miraday


Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Four
I had been disconnected from my family for roughly a week or so, so it felt good to be reunited with them as we headed back to our Neohome even though it was not the longest time that I had been away from them.

by lupe_hunter_7


Is it Halloween Yet?
Some of us can't wait for Halloween!

by asterozoa


Head in the Clouds: Pack Rat
Hoarding is rewarding here in Neopia!

by yoshisislandbandit

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