Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,313,618 Issue: 839 | 14th day of Gathering, Y20
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New Series

Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress

The faerie’s footsteps reverberated off the gleaming stone tile. The interior sprawled like a grand hall, neutral greys dominating the polished floors and high-vaulted ceiling. Specks of tinted rainbow light flashed through the stained-glass windows, the passing clouds that were close enough to touch caused the light to dance. As she floated, following behind the faerie’s footsteps, Jolla the Dimensional Peophin took in her new assignment. The sorceress thought to herself, “So this is the inside of the Dream Fortress…”

by miraday
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"Neia The White Knight " by xatrocious
Some knew her as daring, some knew her as cunning, and some knew her as The White Knight. Alfineia the White Lupe, Neia as most knew her by, is a hero unlike any other. Before getting too far into the story though, it is important to know how Neia came to be. As a young pup, Neia had been on her own. She travelled land to land searching for the one true place she might belong. Each stop she made in a new world, she met many new creatures of all kinds, from faeries, to other neopets, to a wide range of unique monsters. While she was amazed at each land, she never could quite find where she felt at home, so she continued to travel on to the next world. Until one day, while wondering the Haunted Woods, she came upon a faerie battling Xandra the sorceress. Neia had heard of this faerie for many years while exploring the worlds of Neopia. This faerie was courageous and quick on her feet.Ready to put all she had into protecting the lands of Neopia. Neia watched in amazement as Xandra fled the battle defeated.

Other Stories


Reginald Acorn and The Mysterious Jewel Thief
The beginning of Reginal'd adventures as a detective!

by dtrg


New Chapters
This is an imagining of my recent return to Neopets :) I had first played sixteen years ago.

by marchabun


The Worst Gifts You Could Give
There are a lot of different ways you can express your gratitude to friends and family. You can tell them that you cherish them and care about them, you can take them on a fantastic vacation around the world, or you can shower them with gifts and presents! Gift giving is a tradition as old as time, and we now have so many holidays that really revolve around giving presents to those close to you.

by ellaisback


12 year old Neopian vs 28 year old Neopian
A bit of a sentimental article about my time on neo and what's different for me now.

by smithgem203


Grundo Logic
We were both right...

by brixta


The secret of Elvin
The kiko is pop

by itsume_tao

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