White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,039,356 Issue: 816 | 15th day of Awakening, Y20
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Short Stories

Usuki Singing Stars #43: Lola's Spring Garden

"I'm so excited to start gardening!"

by downrightdude
Forever Together

In the infirmary in Faerieland, a lone wraith Lupe sits by a bed with a Faerie Kougra sleeping in it. It may be hard to believe, but the two were best friends who had found each other after having been apart for six years.

by orisasda
The Re-discovery of Lutari Island

This story was a guild collaboration celebrating our second year together! Whimsicality, best guild ever!

by karlynne1964
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"Tales of the Plot: Lost Desert Plot:Part Two" by triarthrus_eatoni
Maximillien brushed the back of his head and followed behind the Shoyru, who had used her mapping device to be able to map the rest of the tomb. They eventually came to the Tomb of Pharaohs which had the sarcophagus in the middle of the room. There was the sign of something which had slid across the floor and a few pieces of bandages, but Eyrieki was nowhere to be seen. Maximillien walked over to the open sarcophagus and reached inside, pulling out a parchment which seemed to reveal the locations of the various tablet pieces they had been searching for. "Take a look at this.", The Werelupe's tail wagged, "I think I've found something." "Let me see...", Pepper took the parchments and examined them, "It seems that the doors on the parchment correlate to the number. If we can identify which room holds a tablet piece, we should be able to not only find the pieces we need...we can even do it in order!" "Can you program that?", The Werelupe tilted his head quizzically. "I certainly can!", The Shoyru beamed, "Let me fine tune the coordinates..." Beep, the machine made a noise when the correct coordinates had been input inside of them "Ahhh, there we go! It should work now." The pair managed to scout the many different locations and narrowly evade the traps all while walking through the tomb. They had collected all of the separate pieces of the tablet before long, and made their way back to the exit of the temple.

Other Stories


Unexpected Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Valentine's Day doesn't always have to be about gifts!

by k3l26


Oops!: A Guide to Last Minute Valentine's Day Gifts
If you're reading this, you're either a Valentine's Day fanatic or you've forgotten to give your best Neofriend a gift!

by rowdy420


Tales of the Plot: Lost Desert Plot:Part Two
Maximillien brushed the back of his head and followed behind the Shoyru, who had used her mapping device to be able to map the rest of the tomb...

by triarthrus_eatoni


Change Needs Growth
Thank you to those who supported me and believed in my creativity the whole time. A big thank you to Mikey J and Papa Be

by jehtredmonkey


One Chias treasure is another slorgs rubbish!?
Finders keepers losers weepers...

by hunnybunnie


V-Day on the Cheap
Try not to get TOO good a gift.

by applejuicerain

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