White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,039,356 Issue: 816 | 15th day of Awakening, Y20
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Neopoint Wearables Thru the Seasons: Valentine's Day

Ahhh, do you not love that smell in the air? Oh no, I am not talking about the dung you just stepped in. I am talking about that scent of LOVE. It is that time of year again where everyone is out buying chocolate and flowers for their loved ones.

Also by tamra1024.

by freeread

Valentine Rarities to Keep Away from a Brat

Of course, there's the classic box of... candy, but there are also many other creative and unique gift ideas which your friend will surely love. Some are incredibly rare and valuable, making them a great choice for someone you truly care about.

by _brainchild_
Oops!: A Guide to Last Minute Valentine's Day Gifts

If you're reading this, you're either a Valentine's Day fanatic or you've forgotten to give your best Neofriend a gift!

by rowdy420
Unexpected Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day doesn't always have to be about gifts!

by k3l26
Six Astonishing Outfits For Your Valentine

It’s that time of the year again where everything is pink, red and covered in hearts. Valentine’s Day is a great time to show your precious Neopets just how much you care about them. How you ask?

Also by teukieteukie and imbitter

by madiwoo

Recipe of the Week: Valentines Muffin

Special recipe just in time for Valentines Day!

by hauntinq
11 Gifts You Should Never Give to Your Valentine

You’ve got your date all planned-- you’re both going to enjoy a Kelp take-out dinner while watching the sun set over Kiko Lake. All that’s left to do is pick out the perfect gift for that special someone.

Also by squishable

by suixx

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift to your Loved One

Today, we’ve made a list of gifts that you can give to your loved one to celebrate this amazing Valentine’s day together.

Also by naama_mikeas

by itsbah

Search the Neopian Times


11 Gifts You Should Never Give to Your Valentine

It’s the week before Valentines Day. Your elaborate Valentines proposal involving Beekadoodles, roses, and a Vira Halloween Costume went without a hitch, and your Valentine has said yes. You’ve got your date all planned-- you’re both going to enjoy a Kelp take-out dinner while watching the sun set over Kiko Lake. All that’s left to do is pick out the perfect gift for that special someone. Fortunately, the rules of Valentine’s Day gifts are simple and flexible. Buy something pink, heart shaped, floral, or sweet, and you’re set. After all, it’s the thought that counts, so as long as you aren’t buying your Valentine a Heart Stuffed Maggot or the useful but often unappreciated book, "How to Deal with Strange Looks," you should be in the clear. Right? Wrong. After hours of hard research, and only A LITTLE personal experience, we have compiled are a list of some seemingly innocuous Valentine’s gifts that are bound to go bad...

Other Stories


Usuki Singing Stars #43: Lola's Spring Garden
"I'm so excited to start gardening!"

by downrightdude


The Re-discovery of Lutari Island
This story was a guild collaboration celebrating our second year together! Whimsicality, best guild ever!

by karlynne1964


Elaine's Expedition:Part Six
Elaine and Jaycin raced through the sprawling passageways, afraid the monster was just on their heels. The cut on Elaine's leg burned, but she didn't care; a small scratch could wait when there was a hungry Hissi chasing them.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004


The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Three
A monstrous Slorg had cornered Mina. She stood back against the wall, spear aimed at the beast. It reminded Talzadon of the Monoceraptor both in size and ferocity.

by purplehopper


Flupeh Things
Alien Aishas have GROSS tastes!!

by flupeh


BD Item Sticky Hands' Valentine's Day
What do you think they do, given that item stealing in the BD has been broken for so long?

by mbredboy31

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