For an easier life Circulation: 194,351,425 Issue: 761 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y18
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Short Stories


The storm is approaching. It is wild, reckless, paying no regard to the world it ravages. Ripping the shingles from the roofs of shops, and flooding the muddy pathways out to the square. It makes its way towards the homes and the village where they hide. It roars at them, bellows its defiance and rage to innocent ears. It doesn't care what it has to ruin before they are in its clutches. It yearns to punish the villagers, and to make them feel its indescribable pain.

by iswimmings
Transformations in Time

Petpetpets - despite the mayhem that they may wreck, they hide secrets that few have known, and fewer have ever seen.

by butteredwings
Organic Mystery

In his single bedroom apartment, Mason, a green Hissi, stared at his computer screen with blank eyes and a blank mind. Monomers, polymers, Neomers, achiral, epoxides, esters, hydration, elimination reactions. Every word his eyes glanced over ran together, creating a gross and complex mess of words inside his head. These terms had been familiar with him days and weeks ago, but now they meant nothing.

by paisleymw
Feeling Like Christmas

Although Emmett was a Halloween Kyrii, Christmas was his favorite holiday. Halloween was a close second, of course, but Emmett still found himself looking forward to Christmas more than anything else. He loved the big holiday dinners, daily trips to Terror Mountain to visit the Advent Calendar, and of course, opening presents with his sisters and brother on Christmas morning.

by scubadove

It was cold and lonely in there but she does not fear the cold, it couldn't hurt her. In fact, a thick plumage covers her entire body, keeping her nice and toasty. Yet somehow, she is still afraid. The fear of betrayal strikes her heart as the crunching of the snow under her feet echoes through the forest glade. The echoes bounce back and forth along the tree trunks, reminding her that she is truly alone. She will never forget.

by karuboo
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Borovan for Beginners

Your average Neopian might know that mixing asparagus and hot chocolate at the Cooking Pot yields Borovan, but there’s so much more to this tasty beverage!

Other Stories


A Guide to Snow Wars II: Icy Snow Way Out
The Snow Beasts are coming, armed with their catapults and Lupe friends, and they're after your snowmen. What do you do? Declare the beginning of the Snow Wars, of course!

by faeriequeenoffire


5 Neopian Holiday Destinations
It is nice to treat others these holidays, but… have you thought how you’re going to treat yourself this Christmas yet? If you’re thinking about going on vacation, that’s a really nice idea! I’ve traveled all around Neopia, discovering wonderful places to stay in every trip, and I’m here with some advice for you, if you don’t know where to go on your vacation!

by rickrelics


Mischief Managed: Part One
Once upon a time there a little Kau named Kauvara. She decided to throw a slumber party for the neighbourhood kids with her friend Tarla the Ixi. They spent the afternoon making handwritten invitations adorned with ribbons, sparkles, and cute little petpets. Then they dropped them at all their friend’s houses after dinner.

Also by ___popo___

by grimmbones7


Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Four
It was an early start, but I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I waited in my bed until 4am, at which point I finally gave up and headed into the kitchen for some coffee.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_


Doesn't look a thing like me...

by o_babypet4me_o


#LDN - Christmas Special
The Nightmare Before Christmas, AKA: Lord Dark Noirgus

by gorubeza

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