White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,351,425 Issue: 761 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y18
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Continued Series

The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Eleven

Maikya soared through the frigid sky, dodging the Ice Draik at every turn. Whatever she lacked in size and physical strength, she made up for in speed and skill. She zapped the Ice Draik’s foot and it snarled at her, aiming to bite her wing, but she flew out of the way just in time.

by hybatsu
Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Four

It was an early start, but I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I waited in my bed until 4am, at which point I finally gave up and headed into the kitchen for some coffee.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_

Of Silence: a Home for the Holidays: Part Two

This might just be the worst idea that Kanrik has ever had. Scaling the side of a mansion? Not a problem. Doing it in the dead of night? Child’s play. The fact that the mansion in question may or may not belong to the most notorious and feared assassin in the entirety of Neopia’s medieval realms — perhaps even the entirety of the planet as a whole? Well...

by theschizophrenicpunk
Dreaming of Adventure: Part Three

“Hey, this isn’t helping. What will help is entertaining Stevie and Stacie. You know them better than I do. What do they like?” Sweet tilted her head in the direction of the two babies. The brown Kacheek looked at Stevie and Stacie sitting on the couch. They both looked back at her with good-natured smiles. She felt a tug at her heart.

by 77thbigby
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Your Favorite Species

Have you ever wondered if there's a special reason why you can't get enough of a certain pet species? Or if there's a hidden method for your madness? Our favorite things are often a representation of ourselves and our personality. Find out what your favorite Neopet species is saying about you!

Other Stories


Feeling Like Christmas
Although Emmett was a Halloween Kyrii, Christmas was his favorite holiday. Halloween was a close second, of course, but Emmett still found himself looking forward to Christmas more than anything else. He loved the big holiday dinners, daily trips to Terror Mountain to visit the Advent Calendar, and of course, opening presents with his sisters and brother on Christmas morning.

by scubadove


The storm is approaching. It is wild, reckless, paying no regard to the world it ravages. Ripping the shingles from the roofs of shops, and flooding the muddy pathways out to the square. It makes its way towards the homes and the village where they hide. It roars at them, bellows its defiance and rage to innocent ears. It doesn't care what it has to ruin before they are in its clutches. It yearns to punish the villagers, and to make them feel its indescribable pain.

by iswimmings


“The Month of Celebrating”
Neopets is always fun, no matter what time of year it is. There is always so much to do throughout the year, but during “The Month of Celebrating” life in Neopia just gets a little better.

by silly_mistake


5 Neopian Holiday Destinations
It is nice to treat others these holidays, but… have you thought how you’re going to treat yourself this Christmas yet? If you’re thinking about going on vacation, that’s a really nice idea! I’ve traveled all around Neopia, discovering wonderful places to stay in every trip, and I’m here with some advice for you, if you don’t know where to go on your vacation!

by rickrelics


Head in the Clouds: The Perfect Petpet Pt. 6
Watch your tone, kid.

by yoshisislandbandit


Grumpy Baby Kyrii
Happy holidays everyone!

by alloways

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