Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,436,079 Issue: 852 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Avatars: Love & Loss

by carrbot

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A Grarrl Ponders: Robots
even more questions...

by sk8zac


Neopets; the financial education all kids need
In the year 2000, several students were piled into the school’s computer lab. I watched in amazement as my friends logged into their Neopets account, clicking furiously as the pages slowly loaded on the archaic dial-up internet connection. I was one of those students that merely watched as I did not know what Neopets was all about. I saw images of the most adorable looking pets, beautiful and mesmerizing items, whose purpose I could merely fathom (why is he giving a paint brush to the pet, can it paint?). My best friend explained as briefly as he could, his attention primed on the computer screen.

by intoxiqued


The Month Of Sleeping: Customization
It`s the first month of the year, The Month Of Sleeping. Time to clear your Neohome of holiday items, and perhaps go into hibernation? Whether you prefer to sleep in every morning, or take a nap in front of a roaring fire, there are different ways of customizing your pet in a theme of sleep and nighttime. Let`s take a look at a few different examples.

by aleu1986


Impressing Royalty
Simple, yet efficient.

(Note: Storyboard by blink_darkphoenix)

by 2junebugs

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