Meow Circulation: 194,351,425 Issue: 761 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y18
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Neopet suggestions that make you go o_O

by mzkimmi

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Great stories!


Mischief Managed: Part One
Once upon a time there a little Kau named Kauvara. She decided to throw a slumber party for the neighbourhood kids with her friend Tarla the Ixi. They spent the afternoon making handwritten invitations adorned with ribbons, sparkles, and cute little petpets. Then they dropped them at all their friend’s houses after dinner.

Also by ___popo___

by grimmbones7


5 Neopian Holiday Destinations
It is nice to treat others these holidays, but… have you thought how you’re going to treat yourself this Christmas yet? If you’re thinking about going on vacation, that’s a really nice idea! I’ve traveled all around Neopia, discovering wonderful places to stay in every trip, and I’m here with some advice for you, if you don’t know where to go on your vacation!

by rickrelics


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 11
All I want is a white weewoo.

by blackaavar


“The Month of Celebrating”
Neopets is always fun, no matter what time of year it is. There is always so much to do throughout the year, but during “The Month of Celebrating” life in Neopia just gets a little better.

by silly_mistake

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