Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,450,763 Issue: 768 | 10th day of Awakening, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

You are a good person. You've proved that already. Look, I understand that you want to shake off the shackles of being your father's son, but you can't. Even if you prove to everyone who knows you, how unlike your father you truly are, there always be those who don't know you, and nothing you could ever do will convince everyone. You will always be 'the son of Lord Kass' nothing you can do will ever change that, and you need to learn to live with that.

Anti-Valentine's Day

As everyone knows, this fourteenth day of Awakening, will be the best holiday of the year. You know what I’m talking about: it’s Anti-Valentine’s Day. The day of celebrating… not being in love. For those not in the loving spirit this month of Awakening, I have come up with some splendid ways to enjoy this brilliant holiday. You might be anti-Valentine’s, but you don’t have to be anti-fun.

Valentine's Day In Style

The 14th day of Awakening - otherwise known to most of Neopia as "Valentine's Day." The lines to the Chocolate Factory are long, new friendships are blooming, and your pets might just have hearts in their eyes. But the best part of Valentine's Day for everyone involved are the pink, heart-themed customizations that start showing up.

Valentine's Recipes To Melt Your Heart

It's here, it's here, the most lovely day of the year! It's Valentine's Day, the day that we celebrate the love we have for our family and friends by exchanging tacky, homemade cards covered in big pink hearts and red ribbon wrapped boxes filled to the brim with delicious dark chocolates. Bonbons and pink bows galore, we're going to dive deep into the decadence of this holiday and learn some new recipes for your repertoire that you can whip up for all your best Neofriends.

Other Stories
"The Valentine’s Day Which Was Plagued by a Villain" by _brainchild_
Then the teacher turned off the lights to get everyone's attention. "Class," she began, "it's time for recess." The children rushed out the door excitedly, abandoning the sugary stockpiles which they had been guarding fiercely. The teacher followed the stampede. Walda, however, had decided to stay behind—she had an idea. The other students' candy was sitting on their desks, just waiting to be eaten. Filled with avarice, she started to wolf down everyone else's chocolate, blissfully hopping from desk to desk. She had eliminated all of the chocolate in about ten minutes. Therefore, she had to settle for the other types of candy, which vanished in another ten minutes. When the other students returned from recess, they stared at Walda with aghast expressions on their faces. Consumed by a sugar rush, she was sprinting around the room, dancing atop the vast heaps of candy wrappers that littered the floor. The other students started to grumble. One of them, a Baby Grarrl, was particularly overwhelmed by rage. "NO!" he shouted. " You wouldn't DARE!" You did NOT eat everyone else's candy! You selfish little beast!” Nevertheless, Walda ignored him, since she had traveled off to her own little world.

"Matrimonial Persuasion" by kalnya
When Nabile first plotted with Tomos to rob the rich Kyrii nobleman who had come to ask for Princess Amira's hand in marriage, she little dreamed that she would end up proposing to the selfsame nobleman herself. In her defense, she was trying to save both the cities of Sakhmet and Qasala here, not to mention the happiness of all parties involved; the flaming Baggusses was she going to let another disastrous marriage come to pass, not when she had the power to stop it… Nabile and the Pteri handmaiden entered the grand hall of the palace just as the ceremony was starting. While scouring the room for a good spot to watch the proceedings from, Nabile's gaze became arrested by the portrait of a strikingly familiar Pink Ixi. She unconsciously drifted towards it. The smiling young princess depicted in the image was affluent, contented, and carefree — not adjectives Nabile would normally have thought to associate with her mother, who she remembered as a bitter, acerbic woman with pretensions of grandeur. Contrary to what faerietales would have you believe, the premise of "beautiful princess falls for lowly commoner" did not always end in happily-ever-after.

"Love is Patient" by emblo93
“I’m not sure. It’s something that’s been on my mind for a bit. You read in books about love and soulmates and things like that.” I changed a glance at her and saw that her eyes were solidly focused on the beautiful, bruised sky. “Do you believe that? That there’s only one person for you in the world and that you’ll eventually be with them no matter what?” I don’t suppose I have to write that I almost had a heart attack when I heard that, but I somehow managed to stay calm enough to reply. “I think so, yeah. Like two puzzle pieces.” Alahana giggled at that. I’ve always loved her giggle, a sweet girlish thing completely at odds with her imposing physique. It’s just another part of her beauty. “Two puzzle pieces, I like that.” She was silent for a long time after that, just watching the sky shift from pink to orange to navy blue. “Love is patient, I think,” she finally said. “My dad used to say that when…when we were moving.” Again, silence. I wasn’t going to break it. “If love is out there, be patient. It’ll come if it’s meant to be.” She was done talking, then, but I stayed silent. Did I love her then? I think I did. But love was patient, and so was I. If she didn’t say anything, then neither would I. And I didn’t. And she didn’t.

Don't Forget to Share the Love This Valentine's Day

This week's issue is brought to you by: Valentine Shop
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