Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"That is the magic of the holidays. It's not presents or Christmas trees... it's being around the Neopets that you love."

Holiday Customs on Kreludor

Eleven months out of the year, Kreludor is a harsh, barren landscape of desolate rock, interrupted only by the occasional garishly-colored geodesic dome. During the month of Giving, it is transformed into a harsh, barren landscape of shiny, shiny tinsel. The Grundos of Kreludor approach Christmas decorations with the same single-minded intensity that they approach strip-mining: If ten strands of tinsel are good, then ten thousand strands are excellent, and ten to the fiftieth power are even better. Each year, all Kreludan industry grinds to a halt as the factories shut down their usual production and start churning out tinsel by the metric ton...

Your Christmas Paint Brush

Six is not usually considered a particularly special number. But on Day Six of the Advent Calendar, everyone in Neopia was certainly happy to have the chance to receive their very own Christmas paint brush! After you stop hyperventilating over this fabulous gift, you may ask yourself, what should I do with it now? Although most older players have already experienced the joy of owning a paint brush, some younger players might be only encountering this rare treasure for the first time. Here's some ways you can use your Christmas Paint Brush on Christmas day. Paint your Pet. This one might seem painfully obvious, but...

25 Memorable Moments from Y10

As time passes, the days are filled with dreams, fulfillment, disappointment, surprises, and celebrations. Before you know it, the year is nearly gone. Now as we prepare to welcome a brand-new year, it's the perfect time to look back at some of the happenings that made this past year what it was. So, join me for 25 — one for each day until Christmas — memorable moments, both major and minor, from Y10. How many do you remember?

Other Stories
"On A Cold Winter Night" by iloenchen
The Zafara Double Agent did not have to worry about darkness as she climbed down the mountain. A crescent moon hung low in the sky and the snow-covered slope that stretched below her reflected the faint light so the spy could easily find her way. Wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck as a cold gust of wind blew into her face, she took a moment to observe the lights flickering at the horizon. Lighthouses, she guessed...

"Deck the Halls and See What Happens" by cheshirecoat
All he needed was for Symilon to return with the tree, and then— A shrieking CRASH was heard downstairs. With a childish shriek, Grezande let go of her end of the box, and with the amount of heavy objects in the box, Neigeua went tumbling down the steps backwards before crashing at the foot of the stairs. The box had upturned on him, and as he moved, Grezande screamed, "IT'S THE BOX MONSTER!"

"A Frostbite Christmas" by dragonoftheseas2
"No, no, no! That bolt is too small for that, Chirper- Don't put that in your mouth, Slider!" bellowed Lady Frostbite as the Darblats eagerly worked in front of her. Chirper, the Darblat with the narrowest beak, continued to shuffle through a pile of nuts and bolts that had been amassed on the thick ice, throwing them over his head in search of the perfect bolt. Around him were hundreds of other Darblats, all running and working...

Broken Toys? Try The Expert

This week's issue is brought to you by: Donny's Toy Repair Shop
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The Incredible Edibles - Christmas Edition
Just what I wanted!

by seegensays


The Great Day of Giving Mix-up
"Now! Now! This is the time for peace. It is the Month of Celebrating, after all." King Hagan rushed on as the others were now warily eyeing the mad doctor...

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Confused Petpets
Petpets can get so confused at Christmas.

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Friends Till the End
"It's the Christmas season, and nobody deserves to be alone on Christmas."

by jdb1984


The New Look For the Holidays!
I swear, I liked it before it was cool.

by shanupi

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