Meow Circulation: 91,831,644 Issue: 177 | 11th day of Awakening, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

“We all have feelings, even if some of us hide them...”

Flower Power

Forget the old cookies and chocolates. They’re out, and flowers are in! ‘Why flowers?’ you may ask. Well, flowers can be used in a NeoGarden, won’t be gone after one stomp (unless you own a Skeith or a Grarrl or something like that), are relatively cheap to purchase (applies to some of them, at least) and will brighten up the day...

Celebration of Love

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. There are various thoughts on this holiday of romance, some believe it to be a commercial creation, while others revel in its sincerity. Friends and neighbors alike clash in opinions, but despite much the much hyped controversy, Valentine’s Day is still very much celebrated and businesses seem to be doing just fine....

So Cool, It's Freezing...

Everyone loves Ice Cream, right? There's a flavour for everyone! It's sweet, it's tasty and oh so cool (you might even say freezing cold!). But what if you ate too much? What if the ice cream wanted revenge? What if the ice cream scoops were as big as you? What if they were flying at you at great speeds?

Other Stories
"Oh, Valentine!" by xxfroggehxx
I covered my eyes as I looked at the enclosed picture of my strawberry fields painted Poogle friend. I read it one more time. Hidden place?....

"Golden Eyed Friend" by who_caresxx
Anri, your poem is beautiful. It sounds like you wrote this for someone, like a personal love poem or something. Did you?...

"Unity" by cheopspyramid
The final Zafaras left the feature in the sky, and doors could be heard clicking into their locks as they isolated themselves from the rest...

For That Special Someone

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Great stories!


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie - Part Four
"Now we're back at square one. As in, the kidnapper could be anyone if that's the case," I sighed. "Why don't we split up today?"

by playmobil_is_my_life


Iggy The Quiggle
No more!

by simsman24000


Please, take my <3

by krista_neogirl


TC Explains Valentine's Day
"I would like to know, in as much details as possible, about Valentine's Day," the robot said plainly, pronouncing each word so perfectly he'd have been an instant hit with any Drama group if it wasn't for the total lack of emotion. "What is all the fuss about, exactly?"

by tambourine_chimp


Remember Me?: Part One
"Give it up, Shoyru," he growled as he got closer. "You're no match for me, and you know it. What have you got, but a scrawny little sword?"

by 3dcourtney12044

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