Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"My juice has rain in it."

The New Year Is Here

Have you been wondering what the new year will holds for you? An empty Bank account, trouble with your pets, stocks dropping to the cellar? Or maybe lots of new trophies, rare items and more Neopoints than you can spend? Fear not, for I have used the last nights to observe the stars of Neopia (the ones in the sky, not Hannah, Sloth or Jeran)...

Creating Some Damage

Want to battle, but don’t want to waste your valuable Neopoints? Are you low on Neopoints? Don’t know what battle items to buy? Want to get revenge on Pant Devil? Want to experience one of Neopia best features? If so, this the right guide to Battledome for you. This article will tell you little know info about battling, items and training...

Make Your Pet Page Stand Out!!

Now, what was it that allowed me to be bestowed with the great honor of being winner of the Site Spotlight? Well, I think that there were several reasons for this. I’m going to tell you a few tips that certainly benefited my page, as they will benefit yours, and how you can make a petpage STAND OUT!!!...

Other Stories
"Snowglobe" by shadowcristal
With a dash, the Meerca was on her bed. "Ha, ha, ha! You can't catch me! You'll never catch me!"...

"The Ancient Prophecy" by dudetti
They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it...

"Cake Catastrophe" by precious_katuch14
"Cake? What - oh, that cake." The baker grabbed the nearest box and thrust it into her arms...

Drink It Or Perish!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neocola Machine
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Great stories!


The Pet Patrol Revolution
Paint brushes aren't what they used to be...

by neo_tomi


Fond Memories: Toto Meets The Snowager
*sigh* Toto, Toto, Toto....

by prettyprincesslady54


The Odd Egg Out: Part One
The owner, a young boy, of about 12, was staring at the egg, staring, staring. It was as if he hoped that his staring would heal whatever haunted this egg.

by legilis


The Allegory of the Oatmeal
"Um, well, I was wondering if maybe you could buy me a pirate paint brush, since I've been such a good Krawk lately," he wheedled, a hopeful glimmer in his large yellow eyes. Sunny raised an eyebrow.

by battlesunn


Snowball, Shmowball!
Winter has just arrived, and it’s time for – you guessed it! SNOWBALL FIGHTS!!!

by dudetti

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