Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,939,286 Issue: 808 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y19
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Continued Series

We Ought Never To Have Done It:Part Ten

Twelve hours after Hezekiah’s disappearance, the village elders meet to discuss what must be done. Also by icanhaskaila

by emblo93
The Magical Transporter:Part Six

Katniss was running to the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters. She just heard that the Defenders of Neopia had found some good information. It was possible that they knew where Calleigh and Amy were.

by hallie035
AAA and Abigails Astounding Race:Part Five

AAA was still in Moltara City, and he was not happy. The Mayor wouldn’t let him through the caves!

by ilhs11
Defenders of Neopia – Where They’ve Been:Part Three

In the command room, red lights were blinking all over the console...

by grimmbones7
Ballindalloch:Part Six

The twentieth day of the month of Hiding marked two weeks and four days since the Larkins had moved into the Meridellian estate, Ballindalloch.

by dewdropzz
Hitomi the Witch:Part Five


by downrightdude
A Sister's Business:Part Four

Casey coughed breathlessly as she shakily got to her paws. It took a moment for the dust to settle...

by nikibogwater
A Hero's Journey:Part Three

Rupert's whole body began to tense up as he saw the jolly roger flag, the symbol for piracy, approaching on the horizon.

by jetaketa
Lucci, The Moon Spirit:Part Two

His heart had leaped out of his chest when he saw her. “Lucci!” he said, as he spotted her on the hill, sleeping in the melting pile of snow.

by _the_spardel_queen_
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"The Inner Pleas of Deathball the Wraith" by chasing_stars44
He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to hurt anybody. He had no choice in what he was doing. The yellow Meerca clearly remembered the beginning of the Faerie Festival. He was so excited to see all the faeries having fun. He wanted to take part in it himself. The Meerca wasn't able to travel to Faerieland for the event. It was a shame, too. He wanted to have fun with all of the Neopets, he wanted to see the faeries, he wanted to take part in all the fun activities. That was all the Meerca wanted to do. "Do you want to go to the Faerie Festival?" That offer. The Meerca shouldn't have taken the offer, especially from somebody as shady as that being was. Deep down, the Meerca knew it was a bad idea to go along with it. Still, he had always wanted to visit Faerieland. He wanted to meet Kaia and Fyora and Taelia and all the other faeries. What better time to do that than the Faerie Festival? So he took the offer. That decision would haunt him for the rest of his life. There were more Neopets the figure said was coming along to the Faerie Festival. The Meerca didn't know any of the Neopets. However, they all looked like nice Neopets. As the group traveled, the Meerca began to talk to a blue Jetsam. That Jetsam was an interesting Neopet. Then the being asked for everybody's attention. And that was when things started going south. The being began chanting something that nobody understood. A beam of bright pink light shot towards the Jetsam. Once the light hit the Jetsam, some dark purple energy began to envelop him. All of the other Neopets panicked and began to flee. They ran as fast as possible. The Meerca felt getting hit by that beam of light. He felt the purple energy swirling around, slowly consuming him. It felt cold and hot at the same time. It hurt. The Meerca wanted to run, but he was frozen in place. When everything stopped, the Meerca looked at himself. His hands were no longer yellow, but purple and made of that energy that had once been spiraling around him and the other Neopets. He looked down at his feet. They were not there anymore; they were replaced with a puddle of energy. His tail had turned into a pink mist that floated around him. He was a wraith now.

Other Stories


To Bond With A Mutant
"You know, when I got adopted, I kinda thought I would have my own room."

by newenglandquizzer


7 Days at the Neolodge
A diary entry...

by lonely_love


Nimmo's Pond Walkthrough
Nimmo’s Pond. We all know it—that random, frustrating game that results in you spinning wildly out of control, screaming nonsense to the sky as you’re smashing your keyboard, wondering where your life went wrong.

by butterflybandage


Ease the Transition for Your Newly Adopted Pet
Thanks to the addition of an extra pet slot for all users, it seems like more pets than ever are being adopted!

by kayahtik


A Leg To Stand On
Where did he get that anyway?

by 500knives


Dozens: The Wraith Resurgence
The plot is here, the plot is here! Hang on a second- you do what?

by mandy_wong

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