The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 90,555,820 Issue: 165 | 5th day of Storing, Y6
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Continued Series

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Seven

"Well done, Lupe; few could stand against the Defender. Your victory, however, is meaningless. Meridell is ours!"

by ikkin_with_attitude
Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Four

What if I just leave and never come back … No, I couldn't do that. Scar breathed a sigh. I guess I have to enter then.

by scarrift
Run Away to Knighthood: Part Four

The Zafara didn't listen. He ducked to avoid the swinging blades and dived into a nearby bush. Angel waited until he heard the sound of the Skeith's sword fall to the ground, and then seized it.

by precious_katuch14
Firejewel: Part Four

"Follower," she soundlessly told me. A follower? Someone had been tracking us? Why?

by sara_mossflower
Reign of the Shadows - Part Three

"Didn't you hear a word I said earlier? The Three were controlling Kass! The Three pushed you off the Citadel in a sense, not Kass! He was their tool!"

by feriku
The Case of the Lying Letter: Part Three

"Our owner. She thinks we're staying at the Neolodge all day with Wiseguy. What happens when we don't return in the evening? I don't want her to be worried about us!"

by playmobil_is_my_life
Identity Crisis: Part Three

"I am Commander Halster," he went on, "the one in charge of this space station, and this is my trusted guard, Gazlow."

by del_somebody
The Dim Highlight of Kira's Life II: Part Three

Ms. Owen had both her hands on Principal Davis's desk and was staring directly at him, smiling evilly. "Going somewhere?"

by shadih_temporary
The Neopian Watcher: Part Two

"No one would be foolish enough to go outside in this. You can't even see anything, but the rain outside of the window."

by beau_lis
Savak: The Medallion - Part Two

Looking uneasy, Kosek padded closer to the cage. "So what do we do now?" he asked. "Do we leave him here?"

by zephandolf
Darkness Gathering: Part Two

The dreams he had been having came to the surface of his mind. He remembered the door, the pound, and the darkness. What did he want to find?

by harmony1473
Rage Alone II: Solitary Retribution - Part Two

"Well I hope he gets well soon. What's wrong with him, is he coming down with something? We told him not to eat those omelets when they're not looking right."

by nomad2
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"Clean Up In Aisle 5" by acexofxspades
"Do you have any idea how long it takes to make an exact replica of the faerie city out of cans?" he demanded. "My masterpiece is ruined!"...

Other Stories


"Cantiel! Who is that?" Abdala whispered so the person wouldn't hear. He was coming closer and closer to the two garbage cans.

by puzz1ed


Of a Severe Case of Hiccups and Pink Kaus in Green Fields
"I left my speech at home!" Sherry exclaimed. "Okay, try and remember what it said. Um… vote for me… I'll make the school a better place… GAH! I just can't do this!"

by shadih_temporary


Ghosts of the Money Tree?
It was here, in the midst of all of this, that I saw something totally and utterly unsensible. It was a Quiggle Ghost!

by computergirl123


Conquering Hannah and the Ice Caves: Part One
In this game Hannah is placed in the depths of Terror Mountain’s Ice Caves. This is nothing like the Pirate Caves, there’s more action, villains, twists and turns and Hannah even has her own sidekick!

by neomaniac1603


@ Home
Oh no! My ear fell off!

by lil_bloo_roo


Vicious Kadoaties
Looks can be deceiving.

by lukeneedsatrim

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