There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,233,500 Issue: 834 | 13th day of Swimming, Y20
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Privilege of being a pea chia

by valokki

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The Altador Cup Trophy
Impure minds are everywhere.

by anne77777


King Altador's Substitute
Queen Nera glanced up often from her painstaking work to watch King Altador and their teenage son, Alarick, play a competitive game of yooyuball. The sport was a popular pastime in the great land of Altador. The game of passing a yooyu around and trying to make it in the other team’s goal excited any Altadorian. Even the king himself grew fond of the game.

by trishabeakens


Handling Your Team’s Loss in the Altador Cup
How to be a sore loser in the most graceful way possible.

by mimitchi880


The Big Move:Part Two
I was happy to be picked to go to Mystery Island. Not only as my favorite cousins there but the sand between my toes and the tropical drinks always make me happy.

by hannahcreep

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