Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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Quick Update: The next Collab edition has been changed to be on August 25th!

Hi TNT! I noticed recently that Adam and Donna's accounts had been frozen. I used to really enjoy looking at their pets and userlookups, embracing the nostalgia and remembering where Neopets itself all came from! I'm curious as to why their accounts were frozen? ~phytobio
I'm sorry to hear that Adam and Donna's accounts have been frozen. However, I can assure you that the issue has been addressed and resolved. ~~Yarner

Hi, TNT! Do you think we could have the misspelling of February fixed in the item description for A Mysterious Valentines Card? Thank you! ~dancerchickemily
Thank you for the heads up! Someone clearly wasn’t fully awake for the month of Awakening… After downing a cup of coffee to be sure we were wide awake, we went in and fixed the spelling of February in the item description for A Mysterious Valentines Card! ~~Aesop

Hey! The Double Afro Puffs Wig has been in my closet forever, but I can't use it because it never removes the original mane/hair, leaving it looking awful! Is this something you think you might be able to fix? I'd love to finally be able to use this item. ~pikapal73
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We have fixed the issue now! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Was wondering if there was any news or rumors about Team Dacardia this year. Are they doing all right? ~kitrusa
Unfortunately, the Dacardia team is too preoccupied helping their community rebuild and has decided to focus their efforts on the restoration of Dacardia instead of joining in the Altador Cup this year. So, we will be sticking to the normal 18 teams for Altador Cup XVIII. You can, however, find team Dacardia gear in the NC Mall if you still want to support them! ~~ Stone

Hello TNT! So, I put the Lab Ray on my side account *facepalm* which means I am not able to fight the Lab Ray Scientist there, since the Battledome rewards items/Neopoints. I was wondering, is it against the rules for me to complete the lab map (again) on my main to get the lab scientist as an opponent for my battledome, as long as I just don't use the lab ray on more than one account? ~Anonymous
Hi, You can have the lab ray on as many of your account as you would like since it does not reward any points or items. ~kikocat

Thanks for all the improvements you are making. While you're working on this could you please add the battledome back to the games room? ~momizme
Thank you so much for your valuable input! We genuinely appreciate your suggestion about bringing back the battledome to the games room. We definitely forward it to our team, who are always eager to hear ideas from passionate users like yourself. We strive to improve and provide the best experience for our community, and your feedback plays a crucial role in making that happen. ~~Yaner

Hello there, I went to look up a few NC mall wigs and saw certain colored basic wigs that only came from the Basics Bundle: Wigging Out, which was released and retired nine years ago. Curious if you would have plans to rerelease these? Thank you so much! ~blink_darkphoenix
Hello! Basics are always be in style… that being said, we would like to bring these basics back into the NC Mall! It will probably happen after the Altador Cup ends, so keep an eye out, and we will also be sure to post about it on the New Features page! Thanks! ~~Miss Rainbow

It was recently stated in New Features that Dacardia didn't compete in the Altador Cup to help Dacardia rebuild. Is there a chance we will see them compete next year? Potentially alongside a 20th team? ~derpyunikitty4_
We appreciate your excitement for the Altador Cup and the possibility of Dacardia participating in the future. The Altador Cup is always an exciting event, and we value the enthusiasm and support of the Neopets community. As we continue to develop and evolve the game, we take into consideration various factors, including the potential addition of new teams. Rest assured, we are constantly evaluating and exploring ways to enhance the Neopets experience for all players. ~~Yarner

Thank you so much TNT for addressing customization bug issues! Please consider fixing Woodland Hissis in customization - they don't show up - and fixing the placement grid on Zombie Draiks. :( ~moondream12
You’re very welcome! Alongside the customization bug issues, we’ve been working towards fixing a lot of Painted pets! Thanks for bringing some of them to our attention. Both the Woodland Hissi and Zombie Draik should be fixed ~~Goldfish in Bowl

How tall is the Money Tree? ~munglefoop
The Money Tree has continued to grow slowly overtime, so we sent out a helper to measure how tall it has gotten. According to their measurements, the tallest foliage of the Money Tree currently reaches up to just over 16 feet tall! ~~Aesop

Hi TNT!!! I'm a lover of all things USUKI and I'd love to see some of the vintage Usukicon items come back in some way! Do you think that the vendors at Usukicon would ever have some nostalgic old merch for sale? ^^ ~Anonymous
Hello! Oooh I can see some vintage Usukicon items being brought back for sure. It will require some digging and dusting off old boxes on our end, BUT it would be super fun to see some of the older classics in the hands of dedicated Usuki fans! ~~Miss Rainbow

Hi TNT! *tosses cookie* The Neopian Hospital says that you should rub Magic Goop on a Neopet's head, but the item description says that you should soak their feet in it. What's the proper way to use it? Please remove my username. ~Anonymous
Oh no! It seems a mischievous Meepit was playing a practical joke with item descriptions, no doubt resulting in thousands of Neopians incorrectly applying Magic Goop to their pets feet instead of their head… We went in and fixed the description of Magic Goop to better reflect the instructions of the medical professionals at the Neopian Hopsital! ~~Aesop

Hi there! I was just wondering if there are plans for more Quiguki dolls to be released? To be honest, I love them more than Usuki Dolls! Maybe there could be a QuigukiCon in the Neofuture?? :D ~lynnavalin
Hi! That's a good idea…new Quiguki dolls shall make an appearance this year! As for a QuigukiCon, that will be something we will put more thought behind, but thank you for the suggestion and for writing in! : D ~~Miss Rainbow

Hello! I was wondering if we were allowed to open bank accounts on our sides if we don't collect interest? I do a lot of pet trading and I hate having to always transfer Neopoints to my sides as I sometimes miss a trade while doing so. With the potential tax REs I also don't like to transfer too much at once in case I lose it so I'm really hoping this is an option for those who'd like it. Thanks for any help! ~Anonymous
Hi, Sadly this would not be allowed. You would want to make sure to transfer the points as you need them or as you think you might need them. ~kikocat

Hello! It's been a while since I last wrote something for the NT, and recently I had an interesting idea. However, to do it I'd have to include images not hosted on Neopets (like some plots I'd make myself). Is that allowed? Thanks! ~saudadesdagripe
For images not hosted on Neopets, what can be done is uploading it to a trustworthy site where the image can be grabbed from and put that link where you would like it in the story. Make the link obvious by formatting it or at least leaving some space around it so we can easily distinguish it from the other text around it. Possibly also give us a heads up in the comments section that you have included these, but this isn’t necessary, just helpful for us. We will then format this image for you. A quick disclaimer: if the link somehow gets broken or the image is far too big or very small, we may be unable to include it. Do not fear, though. If we notice there is an issue, we will do our best to reach out to you to fix the problem. If we do not hear back from you in time, this could result in the story not being published that round or possibly it being published but without that image, and we will not be able to go back and fix this after it has been published. So if you send in a story with non-Neopets links, it would be wise to keep an eye out for any neomails so that we can discuss the issue as fast as possible! I hope this helped! ~~Stone


Hi TNT! Long time player; thank you with all my heart for the Purple Lutari color that was released this year! I have been begging for it for YEARS to the point where even my old NFs were messaging me IRL to tell me :P Between that and the Autism Acceptances items I am THRIVING ~buttercupx13x

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